Russian Juggalos


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Привет из Румания

Сообщений 1 страница 4 из 4


Меня завут Габи.
Я только нимнога понимаю по русски.
Я нужна поможь, я изучат штобы по русски язик.

Sorry if i didn't post where it should belong, i came here because i thought maybe my russian juggalo family will help me...
Also, i think this forum should have an "off-topic" section.
So, извините в начать здес.
Моя WLM адрес ета kgb.xakep [ ilive ] com, и Yahoo! molotovsticles
I need a book or something like that, or maybe someone can talk to me in russian on skype as far as i will be able to ponimayu :P
Don't hate

MCL from a hardcore juggalo, here in my country (Romania), there are not many juggalos... And it's a shame, to be alone, but juggalos from over the oceans will carry on :)

Отредактировано Румански Убыца (2012-03-30 17:19:01)



Oh! Hellow :)
Мы пишем - Румыния.
А Вы не Troll, случайно?
Сейчас их очень много развелось. Хотя по хуй (dont give a fuck) на это :)
Что Ты имеешь ввиду под книгой? Учебник?
Говорить желаешь, чтобы речь русскую улучшить?
А зачем вообще это Тебе?



I used google translate, i still read cyrillic text pretty slow.
Now i can't type in cyrilic, i re-installed my windows and i do not have the phonetic keyboard installed.
I am not trolling, brat. And i am indeed a juggalo, i do not want to show off, but i could prove.
I would like an electronic textbook or something to improve my russian skills, both speaking and writing.
I do not understand the last sentence.
I could say that this is a warm welcome :P.



о, да! форум жив!)
2 Румански Убыца, here is the section for off-top:


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